Another ladylike - E L L Y Z A B E T H - Indonesian Fashion & Beauty Blogger

Another ladylike

by - November 29, 2013

Guess like this post may be soooo ordinary because the outfit color theme was 'pink'. Another quick outfit post, or I must say #ootd {old outfit of that day} because I couldn't resist for loving this skirt I bought from Chlorine Clothe {instagram}, I am really satisfied with the skirt they made, the sewing is very neat, the color is so bright, and the material is really good. At first I thought it was a bit pricey, but when I saw the result, yes yes I was wrong. It was worth to buy!

If you see my old post, I wore pink that much, especially shocking pink. I beg your pardon heheheheh like my bio I am a pink hardcore (^__^)/

The Executive top - Chlorine Clothe skirt, Charles & Keith flats - Griff blue bag - Cotton On Bracelet - Efoxcity bracelet

I got the wrap bracelet from Cotton On, and I really loved it! I also got my another gold bracelet from Efoxcity a few months ago!

The bag I got from Europe. It was quite cheap yet has a really good quality. And the skirt, is currently my favorite!

Today I got some random thoughts in my brain. 

I realize that some of my friends hate me with reasons I don't even know. Or it just my feeling...? I really thank them for hating me, because the more you hated, the more you get those who love you and are being your fans. I get some friends whom I adore and love, and I enjoy being their friends.

I also informed that some of my friends really don't expect the real 'me' outside my school. Random fact about me, Elly and Lisa are different people. Elly refers to me in school which is very nerd, with glasses, tied hair, no make up. While Lisa refers to me in this blog, in my instagram, who love fashion very much. They first told me that I look really different in instagram pics and parties. It is really funny for me, though!

I also thank God because I finally passed the JPU (scholarship program) in my soon-to-be-university, therefore I will study in university free of charge :-----)

Swollen face, bleh. 

Some people ask me why I don't enter fashion major after high school. It's because.... for me fashion is just a hobby. I have another goal in another major which I think will give better purpose than fashion {it's my thought, no offense}. Mom and dad asked me if I want to study law in university. At first I think it will be hard to memorize all of the UU things, but Dad told me that it won't be that hard. I don't want to enter major with numbers though, so finally I decided to enter law major.

I no more care about rank I will get in school, because I've got that scholarship program #slap hahahhahah, some of my friends cheat to be the first rank & to beat me, but I don't care though. It's up to them what they wanna do, the most important is that I do my job with honesty.

Ah, today full of thoughts... See ya in another post! xx

p.s : I"ll be having exam at Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, soooo wish me luck! (after exam I'll post the continuous of the outfit trip post hehe)

ask me anything on ask.fm/lisaandherworld :)

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  1. chic and lovely look

    stay fab,
    Miss Aa

  2. nice skirt. you look cute. :)

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  3. Beautiful look! Loving your skirt<3


  4. you look so so pretty as always Lis! :D the same goes for vania in school and vania in real life, so different! congrats on the scholarship, gapapa lah kalo banyak haters :p

    Pudding Monster

  5. Really nice skirt! :)
    You`re so pretty!

  6. woah! congratulation that you passed the JPU :D Break a leg for your further study! I really love your outfit and of course your blog theme!

  7. so pretty lisaaa! I adore your skirt so much :D
    congrats for the scholarship! ^^9
    just ignore them haters, they're your biggest fans thooo ;;)

    -cheer, michelle
    Join my giveaway open internationally:

  8. Enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading your thoughts..
    Congratulations for the scholarship and good luck :)


  9. selamat ya untuk beasiswanya, good luck :) teman yang baik pasti menerima kamu apa adanya, selama itu positf. suka sama kemeja dan roknya, super cute :) xx

  10. llove the skirt and bracelet! <3


  11. just ignore the haters! :D
    Congrats for the scholarship!
    Same here, mei in university and mei in blog is like 180 degrees difference :p


  12. Congrats on the scholarship !! :D


  13. Nothing wrong with the colour pink! Looks great on you & your blog is so cute & pretty.

    The Fashann Monster

  14. Ahh, really love your style.
    simple yet sweet <3
    keep in touch sweety xx


  15. Hey! You are really pretty and your blog was awesome! Wanna follow each other anyway? Just let me know and I will follow you back. Thankiss.. xx


  16. awww love your skirt!


  17. ah so pretty! that skirt is perfection on you. I love the cut, the color, and especially the length!

    congratz on your scholarship! your parents must be proud. and yes, we should be grateful to those who talks behind our back or hate us because then is when you know who your REAL FRIENDS are :)

    The Sweetest Escape 
    Christmas Giveaway $40 Romwe Voucher

  18. loving your skirt so much lisa!!<3

    well, people is faking nowadays, so just be your self and don't let anyone change it from you!<3
    goodluck on your exams!!<3


  19. this is simply beautiful.
    and how's the exams? Succeed, don't you?


First of all, thank you for your comments!

Fyi, I rarely reply on comments, so if you have any questions regarding the products or anything, bump me on my e-mail, or on my instagram! I'll answer your questions there!

With Love, L