life is better than pictures.. - E L L Y Z A B E T H - Indonesian Fashion & Beauty Blogger

life is better than pictures..

by - January 23, 2013

"What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce."
Karl Lagerfeld

Chill, brah, chill. I actually had saved the draft of this post but i don't know why, it was gone! Now I must post this again.. Anyway, tomorrow is holiday! Happy Mawlid for those who celebrate!

Nah peeps, time for photography post! These pictures were taken around November until December. Enjoy these photos!

These pictures were taken around early November in my school garden. We were studying about taking flowers with water on it so it will look more fresh and more life in my photography class.

a little bit sneak peek for upcoming post. Have no chance to take outfit post yet.

my really first the little things she needs shoes. Really? First tltsn? yep it is. My friends gave my these cute flats as my 17th birthday present. For me, tltsn shoes are comfy yet, but I think, they're super flat and a bit too tight for me (they're size 38) when I tried the 39 one, they're too large. Ehm.

holiday nailpolishes.. In love with salmon color

another birthday present, and this one was from my auntie.. It is named Ramona and the color is pink. I love the color, and you see, it can be changed into three bag style. Super love it!

christmas present.. i'm so blessed. this kipling x stylescrapbook camera bag was one of my wishlist and finally, boom!

i'm in love with this bracelets because they're colorful! I get them from Bali but you also can find in your own city I guess. I actually prefer peace bracelet than turtle bracelet but mom said that tutrlte is better.

my slippers collection. I've been loving some cute slippers since I went to Bali. Clockwise : Konichiwa - Joger - Surfer Girl - Crocs

Bigbang postcard set from my friend who went to Korea in last christmas holiday. Major love <3 #VIP

I recently became in love with those diy blogs and I fell in love with this blog ~> http://honestlywtf.com. I follow her steps to make a woven chain bracelet from this tips. Mine is a bit messy but I'm proud that I can make it hahaha :P. 

I also found a cute and sweet blog owned by Georgina Doull (http://cupcakesclothes.com) and I'm in love with her bedroom, her crafts, her photographs, her accessories, oohh soo kawaii :3 And by the way, this is a trial for me to make a photo like her. Also a bit epic failed haha.

I had my mom cut my hair because my hair got messier and it always get hairfall. And I also manage to make my bangs long so I have no bangs anymore. What do you think?

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  1. I love your DIY. They're pretty!
    curious about your next outfit post


  2. nice pictures :)

    xoxo, michelle

  3. wow,l love your flats! and the bag is fabulous!!! thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. now following u back and looking forward to your future posts! big kisses :)


  4. omg the photo<3 i love the autofocus! what camera do you use bytheway ci ? :p haha

  5. can't wait for your new post. because the wardrobe you choosed looks cute :D



  6. Lovely pics! Those flats are adorable!


  7. I love the photos. What effects and camera do you use? I really need to own one. Please tell me!

    Anywho cant wait for the outfit post because the shoes are cute already.

    And your hair looks great. When i had bangs i look 5 but now without bangs i look 10, lolol. but its that asian gene thing where i look young.


  8. beautiful photos <3 suka bunganya

    visit my blog ^^

  9. Beautiful pictures. I love your shoes :)

  10. so uber cute :')
    love the everything


  11. so uber cute :')
    love the everything


  12. love the outfit you prepared and accessories!

    im following you now, xoxo

  13. lovely pictures :)

    sweet and sugars,

  14. beaaaautiful pictures, future outfit post looks goooood!! wanna follow each other?xxoxoxox


  15. beautiful pictures! And I want your camera bag tooo >__< haha I don't know if it's just me my tltsn flats break easily :s or is it just me who walk incorrectly haha btw can't wait for your outfit post!

  16. embun2 di bunganya bagus banget!! and i love that multi styled bag too, it definitely will come in handy :)

  17. i just adore the flats you have shown here! they are the perfect colors!

    lindsey louise


  18. I love that Karl Lagerfeld quote, so true. These are some great shots, by the way! I adore your cap-toed flats and now I'm craving some Salmon nail polish in my life. :)


  19. Join my blog's giveaway celindri.blogspot.com, win 2 cute accessories ! :) (open for Indonesia residence only)

  20. Love the quote and your hair is amazing! :)

  21. i love your photographs lisa <3 cant wait for your next post! also loving the bigbang's photoset! im a vip too kk

  22. SUCH a beautiful pics... nice photos. i love the flowers!

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  23. that blog so amazing! I love it.
    Now you're going to see very often by your blog.
    I invite you to mine. hope you like it and follow me.
    kiss and delighted.

  24. Gorgeous photos! I really love your snowcap xo


  25. lovely bag, lis! the pictures look natural, yes, a little bit of water makes these flowers look fresh! <3

    wah you and me are kind of inverted. Last year I managed to grow my bangs, but this year I cut it and keep it short. Sometimes I feel like long bangs are disturbing my eyesight, hehe.

    have a nice day!

  26. gorgeous!


  27. kerenn..jalan2 ke blog aku juga ya, aku punya sendal joger seperti punya kamu itu,tapi yang black edition..:)


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Fyi, I rarely reply on comments, so if you have any questions regarding the products or anything, bump me on my e-mail, or on my instagram! I'll answer your questions there!

With Love, L