capture the sweetest moment of your life - E L L Y Z A B E T H - Indonesian Fashion & Beauty Blogger

capture the sweetest moment of your life

by - November 14, 2012

Hey people! I finally have time to do an entry today, as this week is the craziest week ever. Two tests in a day and that goes full in a week. Okay, I am hectic right now, but tomorrow is holiday *yeaaaay* So I manage to post the sweetest moment of my life.

First, I apologize for removing my giveaway entry yesterday as just a few people join and I have no time to manage the giveaway, maybe in December peeps?

And, a few days ago, I celebrated my 17th birthday in Samudra Suki Restaurant Taman Anggrek. Actually my birthday was on 10th, but I celebrated it on 11th due to my school's closing cup, GLOWIN' Passfour. And these were some photos my photographer managed to capture during the lunch, enjoy!

Dad and Mom
My Family
My old friends! Dioni, Michelle, me, KB and my blogger mate, Vania!
Hansuwi Gank! (inspired by TOP's lyric in Fantastic Baby) Michelle Choi, me, Shella
Birthday became blogger meet up! Helen, me, Vania
Me with my Cousin
 Guess who's this? Yes Vania Aprilia! Finally I met here ;) She's so stylish and funny and talkative (like me) :P

Craziest birthday gift I've ever had from my friends. Thankyou so much guys!! This lens is one of my wishlist :") I feel so honored and surprised and shocked!! Thankyou thankyou merci beacoup all <3

Photography by Willy Mulyadi (CP: Facebook, Fanpage, and Twitter)
P.s : If you need a photographer for capturing you in your birthday paty, photoshoot, or any event you have, you can contact him through the CP I've given you above. He's very humble and friendly, yet gives you a satisfaction through his photography skill.

Good bye and see you in the next post!

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  1. Happy birthday dear! stay gorgeous :D
    you look so pretty in that dress. love the dress <3


  2. wow. happy sweet seventeenn lissa! all the best for you :D

    what a great date! :D


  3. happy belated bday lovely :)
    that cake looks amazing, I wish I had a slice haha! :P


  4. Happy birthday! You're so pretty <3


  5. happy sweet seventeen! i wish u all the best in life! love the dress btw :) want to follow each other? :)

  6. wooow happy birthday lisa , happy sweet 17thn :)

  7. Happy birthday dear!
    Lovely gifts)

  8. happy birthday dear :D
    I love the colour of your birthday dress :D
    you looks cute!

  9. Thanks for your comment on my blog! ;) sure i want to follow each other. Following you now! Keep in touch <3 x

  10. hi lisa. happy belated b'day!
    have a squeezing year ahead!

    anyway i'm following you now.
    thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. follow me back?

    stay in touch

  11. the 50mm lens is my favorite too! everything captured trough it is just amazing :) happy sweet17 to you my dear! your hair is so cute and the dress suits your sweetness as well. aku di kedokteran kok sekarang lis, cuma ga lanjut masuk jd intern di rumah sakit. klo mau jadi dokter harus preklinik (teori) dan klinik (praktet di rumah sakit). aku ga lanjut ke klinik :)

  12. Happy Birthday! You look so pretty in your birthday dress! :)

    Sita & Radha xx

  13. bisa jadi pharmacist, bisa kerja di perusahaan farmasi gitu sih mainly. atau bisa sekolah lagi ambil chiropractic sekarang kan lg laku bgt tuh. tp gw sih ga lanjut lagi, mau lanjutin bisnis gw aja hehehehe

  14. happy sweet 17! ^^ wish you all the greatest this year and ahead~ mind to follow each other? :D

  15. That's such a darling dress - I love the beaded detail! ;-)

  16. Belated happy bday to you! I love your dress.<3


  17. you look adorable dear <3 anyway happy sweet 17th! im following you now :)


  18. thankyou for your lovely comment, totally made my day :")
    andd anww you look prettyy! andd happy sweet seventeen! *better late than never, isn't it? hehe :p*
    may this year bring you tons of happiness, stay healthy and pretty! :D kiss

  19. thankyou for your lovely comment, totally made my day :")
    andd anww you look prettyy! andd happy sweet seventeen! *better late than never, isn't it? hehe :p*
    may this year bring you tons of happiness, stay healthy and pretty! :D kiss

  20. thankyou for your lovely comment, totally made my day :")
    andd anww you look prettyy! andd happy sweet seventeen! *better late than never, isn't it? hehe :p*
    may this year bring you tons of happiness, stay healthy and pretty! :D kiss

  21. thankyou for your lovely comment, totally made my day :")
    andd anww you look prettyy! andd happy sweet seventeen! *better late than never, isn't it? hehe :p*
    may this year bring you tons of happiness, stay healthy and pretty! :D kiss

  22. thankyou for your lovely comment, totally made my day :")
    andd anww you look prettyy! andd happy sweet seventeen! *better late than never, isn't it? hehe :p*
    may this year bring you tons of happiness, stay healthy and pretty! :D kiss

  23. thankyou for your lovely comment, totally made my day :")
    andd anww you look prettyy! andd happy sweet seventeen! *better late than never, isn't it? hehe :p*
    may this year bring you tons of happiness, stay healthy and pretty! :D kiss

  24. happy belated birthday! you look gorgeous! <3

  25. Happy sweet 17 :")
    May you have an awesome year ahead ♥


  26. You look stunning! Love the dress! Happy belated birthday xx


  27. I like your great inspiring blog :)


  28. I like your great inspiring blog :)


  29. awww hope you really had a blast! the party totally looks wonderful, i mean that cake is enormous and looks delish! haha happy 17th Lyzzie.


  30. hi dear!! nice party Love the drees Kisses from mexico!!

  31. hello happy birthday to you :) have a great year ahead. thanks for dropping by my blog

  32. Happy birthday girls! :) Sorry I'm late :/
    Woow, this cake is huge! Looks like you had fun :)

  33. thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. Your blog is stunning dear.
    Following you now, follow me back, pls? :)



First of all, thank you for your comments!

Fyi, I rarely reply on comments, so if you have any questions regarding the products or anything, bump me on my e-mail, or on my instagram! I'll answer your questions there!

With Love, L