What have arrived this month? - E L L Y Z A B E T H - Indonesian Fashion & Beauty Blogger

What have arrived this month?

by - June 08, 2012

Yeaay! Thanks God It's Friday! Apologize me for talking too much. When I said that I wanna stop blogging, I didn't have anything to post, I feel bored with blogging, and exams make me far from my laptop. But the fact is, I can't get enough from blogging! I always feel bad if I don't see anything about blog, haha :P Nah, okay. Today I wanna post about 'What have arrived this month'. What? Yes, of course lots of new stuffs! So happy that I get a lovely sponsor, OASAP, and freebies from Romwe! And another cool stuffs I bought from some local shop (my friends').

1st package that arrived at my house is this cute OASAP bag. Floral! Who can't get enough from floral? This bag is really cute. If you wanna buy, you can ask me the real size, because the size they give in the details is different with the real one. It's smaller.

2nd package is...... A set of beautiful Romwe's stuffs! Oh my God, Galaxy! Who doesn't love this trend? Finally my dream came true. And another stuffs are leopard stocking, crop tee and owl necklace. Sorry for not giving you the link, because some of them have been sold out / I don't know what's the link.

3rd package is also from Romwe. Prada Baroque Sunnnies! That's one of my wishlists, but because I've a chance to get freebies, so I finally decided to purchase this prada look alike sunnies.

4th package is detachable collar! Yeah maybe it's too late to give a detachable collar look. But I just love this trend and I want to have at least one collar in my wardrobe.

5th package is Lookdeloop Shop's John Lennon sunnies. I've been eyeing for this glasses since they announce this stuffs, but I still confused wanna buy or not. But after I got the prada sunnies, I finally decided to buy this. So edgy!

And the last, gift from Helena's latest giveaway. Gosh this print is too amazing. Thank you girl! My mom also liked it  :P and when I put it in my bbm's profile picture, lots of my friends  ask me where to buy it!

And, when I'll post this stuffs all? Yes, after exam! And I still have another package to arrive. I'll have 4 days more exams and Red Cross Camp. After that, I'm free and I'll do some photoshoot with Helen and Jessica R!  And suddenly I want to post my trip to Europe last year and some casual outfit shoot. So, stay tune again!

And as Helen did, I also copy her to join this giveaway :P Go to wrapped in merino to create your pics and get freebies from net-a-porter!

ANNNNDDDD PEOPLE please help me to rate me in this link :

http://hypeed.com/ai94#p0 - http://hypeed.com/ai93#p0   :)

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  1. Love all the stuff! :))


  2. happy to know that you like the dress! :D can't wait for the photoshoot with Jessica R too ;)

    good luck on that competition, such a cute floral bag and prada baroque look-a-like sunnies!

    have a nice weekend ahead!

  3. whoaa that galaxy print shirt is just perfect <3
    Journal J

  4. Hi,very nice blog!Follow us if you like our blog and we will follow you too!

  5. ahh yes the galaxy trend so beautiful!!


  6. Love that galaxy print so bad :3


  7. Love that galaxy shirt and what a lovely sunnies you got there :)


  8. Wow such a nice stuff! I want it :)

    Join my birthday giveaway, open internationally, win pretty mini dress or magnificent outwear! Click here \(^o^)/
    Karina Dinda R. ♥

  9. Love that bag. It is so fun and different! I also like those sunglasses. How cute!

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  10. I want the john lennon sunglasses! great haul!


  11. Envy you, those pretty things! <3

  12. aah I really want that galaxy print!
    I envy youu! those things are soo cutee.


  13. wooow cool! can't wait to see you wearing them


  14. Wow!! What a super chic haul!! We love the glasses and the galaxy top! ;)

    PS: You are invited to be our featured blogger and to JOIN our #ustyleit Featured Bloggers competition!! Click HERE to find out more! ;)

    MLU the blog.

  15. Super chic stuff!! Love the white top and the glasses! Just can't wait to see you styling them! Love this post. Keep your chicness, sweetpie! ;)

    Hugs and kiss kiss,

  16. loveeee your new eyeglasses!! give me oneeee<3

  17. Wow, realy lovely bag up there...
    Followed! ;) mind to follow back? <3 love, d

  18. Wow I love everything! I am still waiting for my package from Oasap. I'm super excited! I hope I can get something from Romwe as well in the future. Great post! ♥


  19. oh my!!i really adore ur shades! like it so much...oh,i already following u..


  20. It Is really a Mind-blowing blog Nice way to understand it. thank you for it, carry on. absoluteunisexsalon .


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Fyi, I rarely reply on comments, so if you have any questions regarding the products or anything, bump me on my e-mail, or on my instagram! I'll answer your questions there!

With Love, L