Late Valentine Part 2 - E L L Y Z A B E T H - Indonesian Fashion & Beauty Blogger

Late Valentine Part 2

by - February 24, 2012

Hello I'm back bloggers! If you know my feeling, I feel so terrible this few days.. Because I got so much homeworks, exams and assignments.. So I don't have enough time to post this. Also I get meaninglessness. I feel bored with this life, I'm bored with blogger, tumblr, the internet world, korean-pop.. I don't know why but I think I must get something new! But thanks to myy beloved friend Helen who always supports me and ask me to blog.. Because we can put our feelings in this online diary..

This is the second part of last post. If you've read the last post, you may know that I was going to Bandung at January. And in this post I will share you my journey..

I went to my big family's restaurant (not mine) called Jumbo Super Seafood Restaurant located at Jl. Sukajadi no. 189 Bandung. The place is very comfy and big. I love their Baliness design. Their foods are soo soo delicious but sadly I can't get any photos of the food because I enjoyed barongsai while I was eating there.. CLICK HERE FOR DIRECT LINK OF THE PLACE

with the best woman ever. Mom <3

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  1. nice dress ;)

    visit my blog

    + following You

  2. you look so lovely with the dress Liz! your mother is so pretty like you <3


  3. aww, i love that color, way to embrace valentine's day spirit! :)


  4. thank you,sugar))
    following you too


  5. I love ur outfit, this dress is soo cute:)

  6. heyyy
    This outfit is amazing:X:X:X
    I so love them
    Thanks for following me sweetie
    Visit me to see my new video blog
    I made my room tour
    So visit me and tell me what do you think
    Waiting for yaa
    xoxo Teo



First of all, thank you for your comments!

Fyi, I rarely reply on comments, so if you have any questions regarding the products or anything, bump me on my e-mail, or on my instagram! I'll answer your questions there!

With Love, L