T H E - U N I Q U E - F A B R I C - E L L Y Z A B E T H - Indonesian Fashion & Beauty Blogger

T H E - U N I Q U E - F A B R I C

by - December 02, 2011

Final Test day 4 done! Ah finally, today is Friday. Thanks God It's Friday! I can have 3 days of free days and on Monday, I'll continue the test until Thursday. And at this little time on Friday, I use to post my old photos... haha!

A lot of people out there think that Batik isn't better than the branded items. But you should know, that my batik skirt is the one that I love except other skirt. I love the pattern, I love the color and of course the skirt model. Lots of people say that Batik is old-iest. But when you can compare them into one of breath-taking outfit, uh-la-la! It's style!

edited in picnik.com and used Pentax Optio S50 !

 Enjoy Collection White Shirt - Unbranded Batik skirt, all bought in BlokM Square Mall!
sorry for the blurs xx

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First of all, thank you for your comments!

Fyi, I rarely reply on comments, so if you have any questions regarding the products or anything, bump me on my e-mail, or on my instagram! I'll answer your questions there!

With Love, L